Writing an assignment in university may seem daunting, especially when it’s your first time. The expectations are high, the topics are complex, and oftentimes, the word count can be intimidating. However, with the right approach, assignment writing can be an enriching experience that hones your critical thinking, research, and communication skills. This long-form content is dedicated to you — the university student who wants to take their assignment writing to the next level. Whether you’re studying history or engineering, these seven tips can help you craft a high-scoring assignment that showcases your academic prowess and intellect.

Understanding Your Assignment

Before you start writing, it’s crucial to dissect the assignment brief to fully grasp what’s being asked of you. This involves understanding the question and identifying the instruction verbs, such as ‘Analyse’, ‘Compare’, ‘Contrast’, or ‘Evaluate’.

The need for clarity cannot be overstated. A misunderstanding of the question can lead to an assignment that doesn’t directly address the requirements, even if the content is outstanding. Remember, your goal is to answer the question posed to you, not a question you might have preferred to answer.

Unpacking the Question

Sometimes, assignments are intentionally obscure or challenging. In such cases, use the following strategies:

  • Look up the words in the question you’re unsure about to ensure you interpret them correctly.
  • Break the question into parts to focus on the small steps you need to address.
  • If there are multiple components to the question, consider treating them as individual tasks that you will address in separate paragraphs or sections.

Understanding the assignment is half the battle; and moving forward without clarity can lead to wasted time and effort. Once you’re confident in your interpretation, proceed to the next step with assurance.

Research Thoroughly

Research lays the foundation for your assignment. To execute your assignment successfully, you need to gather evidence and ideas from a variety of sources. Of course, not all sources are created equal, and university assignments expect you to engage with academic material.

Finding the Right Sources

A well-researched assignment will:

  • Be built upon peer-reviewed journals, books, and reputable online databases.
  • Acknowledge the key names in the literature related to your topic.
  • Demonstrate that you have considered various conflicting or complementary perspectives.

Utilise the library resources, including academic databases and catalogues, to find relevant material. If you’re unsure about the quality of a source, consult with a librarian or your professor. Developing a robust research methodology now will serve you well throughout your academic career.

Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the crux of your assignment; it’s your argument, provocation, or theory. It’s the very first impression your reader will have of your work.

Defining Your Central Point

A strong thesis statement will:

  • Clearly state the central assertion you will argue for throughout your assignment.
  • Provide a roadmap for the reader by outlining the key points of your argument.
  • Be specific and assertive but leave room for complexity and nuance.

Remember, your thesis can (and probably will) evolve as you write and research. Be open to refining your thesis as you work through your assignment, but ensure that every point you make is in service to advancing your central claim.

Outlining Your Structure

A clear and logical structure is vital for effectively communicating your ideas. Consider the classic three-part essay structure as a starting point: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section serves a distinct purpose and should be structured accordingly.

Introducing and Concluding

Your introduction should:

  • Present your thesis statement.
  • Provide context for your reader (why this topic is important).
  • Give a brief overview of the structure of your assignment (what to expect in each section).

Your conclusion should:

  • Restate your thesis (in a way that echoes your introduction but does not merely repeat it).
  • Summarise the main points of your argument and how they contribute to your central claim.
  • Tie your assignment together by showing the broader implications or potential for further research on the topic.

Don’t skimp on planning your structure. It’s the roadmap that will guide both you and your reader through the assignment.

Writing Clearly and Concisely

Academic writing has a reputation for complexity and verbosity, but it doesn’t have to be impenetrable. Clear, concise writing is a hallmark of effective communication and can set your assignment apart.

The Power of Plain Language

Clarity and conciseness mean:

  • Choosing the simplest word that accurately conveys your meaning.
  • Keeping your sentences and paragraphs focused on a single idea.
  • Using transitions to connect ideas and guide your reader through your argument.

Avoid the temptation to pad your assignment with unnecessary words. Instead, strive to be economical with language. If a sentence doesn’t contribute to your argument or structure, it doesn’t belong in your assignment.

Editing and Proofreading

Even the most beautifully structured assignment will suffer if it’s riddled with errors. Editing and proofreading are the final stages of your writing process, and they’re non-negotiable.

Final Polishing

During the editing phase, you should:

  • Read your assignment aloud to catch awkward phrasing and grammatical errors.
  • Clarify any points that may be ambiguous for your reader.
  • Ensure your assignment follows a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Proofreading should be approached with fresh eyes. After spending hours or days writing your assignment, you’re likely to miss typos and small errors. Take a break before proofreading, and consider seeking help from a friend or classmate for additional perspectives.

Seeking Feedback and Revising

Receiving feedback on your assignment can be nerve-wracking, but it’s one of the best ways to improve your writing. Different readers will catch different things, and constructive criticism is invaluable.

The Revision Process

When revising, consider the following:

  • Don’t take feedback personally; view it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Take notes on common feedback patterns; these are areas you can focus on improving in your future assignments.
  • Make revisions you believe in; ultimately, it’s your work and your voice that should shine through.

Engage in the revision process with an open mind. Remember, the goal is not just to fix mistakes, but to enhance the coherence and persuasiveness of your argument.


Assignments in university are more than just exercises in regurgitating knowledge; they’re opportunities to engage deeply with your field of study and contribute your unique perspective. By following these seven tips, you’re well on your way to becoming a proficient and efficient assignment writer.

Writing an assignment can be challenging, but it’s also immensely rewarding. Each assignment is a chance to refine your academic skills and express your ideas on a meaningful topic. As you continue to write assignments throughout your university career, remember that practice makes perfect. Keep refining your process, seek feedback, and never stop learning. Your assignments not only reflect what you’ve learned but also the kind of thinker you’ve become.